[Asking & Giving Opinion] Is Physical Education and Art Subject Need to be Included in Curriculum?

As usual, Pat, Isabel, Hilary, and Pamela spend their recess for discuss some topics while enjoying their lunch. After break, art class will began soon. They must to bring their own brush and canvas to paint in the art class today. Pamela, the new student in their class forgot to bring it.

Pamela :"Wait.. guyss, what's subject after this?"
Isabel : "It's art. Why are you asking?"
Pamela: "I felt that I forgot something, but, I don't realize it"
Hilary: "We'll gonna paint today, Pam. I bet you forgot to bring your stuff"
Pamela :"AH! You're right! I forgot to bring it. What should I do?"
Pat : "I think you should check to another class, maybe they have some canvas that they haven't use?"
Isabel :"Yes, It would be ashamed if you skip today's agenda. I really want to see your painting! I saw it on your instagram account, Pam!"
Pat:"You're right. She's incredibly talented." 
Pamela :"Huh, thankyou, my painting it's not that good. It's just that  I love to paint."
Hilary :"Really? Wow, it'll be such a honor if I could see it live. Honestly, I am really bad at art."
Isabel :"Me too, I just love art subject when it comes to play music instrument and singing."
Pat :"But you're good at PE, Hilary. Maybe art is just not your passion."
Hilary: "Is that so? But, then, why school insert art and PE as a mandatory subject?"
Pamela: "Hmm, honestly, I thought the same. We already have some arts and sports extracurricular. What are your thoughts on that?"
Isabel: "From my point of view, PE is necessary for us to keep us stay fit. We'll know proper ways of physical activity, and what physical activity we need to keep our body healthy"
Hilary: "I feel the same about art too, art class will stimulate your creativity and also train a lot of skill that you won't get in another subject."
Pat: "I see your point. But, how about the students that have no interest in art or sport and have another interest? Why we still forced to attend PE and art class?"
Pamela: "I think that school want to us to pay attention to our health. What we learned at PE is basic lesson that we must to know and do everyday."
Hilary: "Couldn't agree more with your opinion. But, what if PE and art didn't included to the curriculum and even our card report?"
Pat: "Yes, I felt burden because PE is in our report card and can affect our rank."
Isabel: "I think that's because we'll be lazy to attend PE and art if it didn't included in our card report"
Pamela: "Honestly, I like to attend both PE and art class. But, I agree, that PE and art shouldn't be in our card report"
Hilary: "How about the subject, Pam? In your opinion is PE and art still necessary?"
Pamela: "Yes, I still want PE and art still a mandatory subject." 
Pat : "So, still a mandatory subject but didn't include in our report card?"
Isabel: "I'm totally agree with you."
Hilary: "It could be a great solution."
Isabel: "Students that have interest in sports or art can join extracurricular to learn more about it."
Hilary: "But, as you can see. In our school, extracurricular isn't that active. In my extracurricular, we couldn't learn much."
Pat :"I feel it too. It's Such a shame that there are so many extracurricular in our school but not that active."
Isabel : "By the way, Pam. Have you joined extracurricular?"
Pamela: "I haven't, but I already joined an art club outside the school"
Hilary: "Wow, great. But why don't you join our school art club too? It'll be great, you can get some new friends. What I heard that this club didn't have so much activity."
Pamela :"Is that so?"
Hilary: "Yes, you could get friends that have same interest with you in school"
Isabel: "Maybe we should tell the teacher to give more attention to the extracurricular."
Pat:"Yes, because I thnik extracurricular is really important."
Isabel:"Eh, hey! Pam, you haven't got your canvas!"
Pamela:"Oh, right! I forgot, I enjoy our discussion too much. Where should I go to find it, bye the way?"
Pat: "How about to class Science 7? They had art class this morning"
Hilary:  "Let's go, Pam. I'll accompany you to there."
Pamela: "Okay, thank you, Hilary."


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